Why a Good Office Space is Essential for Business Productivity & Growth

Who says the walls don’t speak?

The walls of your workplace, as well as the whole interior and layout, have to say a lot about your business and vision of your company. Everything from financial health, employee engagement, or work theory can be expressed effectively by investing in the right decor and furnishings for your office.

Any business that is scaling up or adding individuals to its team should pay attention to the benefits of turning monotonous office spaces into the creative environments.  And frankly, for this, you don’t need to have a billion dollar investment. With a few minimalistic changes to your office infrastructure and environment can promote healthy employee engagement and productivity. There’s also an alternative of moving to shared office spaces where you can manage your investment and enjoy the perks of working in a sophisticated workplace.

How Office Environment Affects Productivity

If you are trying to understand the correlation between a good office space and company performance, we’ve got you covered. We cover five benefits below.

# 1.  Enhances Work Performance

Your workspace can have an impact in fostering and facilitating rapid development of your organization. Designing open workspaces will make your employees happy and more social. This quality of life improvement can also ramp up your organization’s overall productivity and annual performance.

# 2. Attracts Qualified Workforce

To stay competitive and deliver quality services, your workforce needs a healthy incursion of new talent. Since the millennial have hit the floor, your organization environment too needs a jazz up. Today’s Gen Z prefers creative spaces. They prefer offices that are collaborative, flexible, and promote value infusion. It’s a good idea to create or invest in a professional office space to attract the best talent.

# 3. Promotes Social Interactions

Teamwork develops from working together, which comes from collaborative workspaces.

Whenever you allow your employees to collaborate with management, you eventually enhance their level of engagement and loyalty. So, remove the barriers of cubicles and promote open discussions. This would prove to be a huge asset for your organization as it increases the communication among employees.

# 4. Easy To Reach

Platforms like Skype, Google Hangout, and Slack can effectively eliminate the need to meet again in person. However, the void is not filled by these applications. Irregular networking connections in distant areas, latency issues, and other technical downsides may hit you hard. However, bringing all of your remote employees to an easy-to-reach shared space can save you valuable time.

# 5. Accessibility and Comfort

On an average, employees spend one-third of their life at work. Thus, the office spaces has to be comfortable.  Ergonomically designed furnishings, customized workspaces, and alternative work options can create a positive influence on employees. Plus, the special quiet zones can help enhance employee performances.

Benefits of Moving to a Shared Space

In order to retain top talent and create a positive brand image, your office has to break free of the traditional cubicle. It has to be a space that is appealing as well as a stimulative to a supportive work environment.

Moving to a coworking space in Naples can be a smart way to have a clean and organized workplace without the overhead. Here are some features offered by shared spaces that will help you keep your employees satisfied and happy:

  • Meet Like-minded Individuals

Having a shared office environment keeps you surrounded with goal oriented professionals. This will help you stay close to like-minded professionals and leverage more opportunities. Consequently, this extension in networking will help your business move forward towards growth.

  • Inspire and Foster Creativity

Being surrounded with enthusiastic professionals helps in honing their personal productivity. This opens up the possibility for new conversations and new ideas. Moreover, the inspiration from coworkers helps them to move out of their defined comfort zones. Thus, these customized spaces promote holistic development- eventually your employees would be happy and would show more productivity.

  • Enhance Your Work Environment

Shared spaces not only provide the professionals workplace instead they also offer a number of perks with the spaces. These include open floor plans with sophisticated meeting areas, conference rooms, green spaces, kitchens cafes, and hot desking options. Providing your employees with all such amenities will help them gain confidence in your organization. It will show  that you are willing to invest in their development and productivity. Furthermore, some of the shared workspaces can also accord you and your employees with following add-on perks with space –

  1. Collaborative areas for relaxation and de-stressing
  2. Creative outdoor spaces such as a rooftop patio or a garden for staff.
  3. Dedicated work areas with greenery, potted plants, flowers,  living walls, and gardens
  4. More control and flexibility – give options to employees to work anywhere and at any time.
  • Offers Comfort to Employees

Nothing can have a more negative effect on productivity than discomfort. For your employees’ convenience and comfort, shared spaces provide quality furniture and upscale interiors. Moreover, these workspaces boast best light fittings and fixtures that brighten up the environment and nurture efficiency. These spaces can also be customised as per the convenience of employees.

Certainly, the right place with the right environment will help your business scale the thresholds of success. It will introduce remarkable changes to your team behavior and environment. So, get an office secured to launch your business to the next phase of growth.

To rent professionally designed office spaces, you can contact our Synergy Suites experts. We are a leading private and shared business space provider in Naples, Florida. We stand tall for our undisputed services and take pride in providing exquisite professional workspaces. We specialize in serving all kind of customers irrespective of their company size and industry segment.

For more details call us at 239-228-6338 now.